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Editing for Newborn Photography

This online workshop is going to help you refine your newborn post-production techniques.

You are going to learn my approach to the editing process and how I ensure that I create the best quality images for my clients.

We will also go through key fundamental technical processes that will help you achieve the optimal colour rendition and ultimately the best possible prints and printed products that our clients will cherish for years to come.

To get the most out of this course, you are advised to purchase the Russ Jackson Newborn Action Set.

Syllabus includes

  • Lesson 1: Equipment
  • Lesson 2: Monitor Calibration 
  • Lesson 3: Colour Spaces and Colour Management
  • Lesson 4: 16bit vs 8bit (Raw or Jpeg)?
  • Lesson 5: My Post-Production Workflow
  • Lesson 6: Editing Images - The Base Actions
  • Lesson 7: Editing Images - The Details Actions
  • Lesson 8: Editing Images - The Finishing Actions
  • Lesson 9: Other Tips and Tricks

Editing for Newborn Photography



50% Complete

Two Step

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